Sis. J – Kenya

Praise God…I want to greatly appreciate the Prophetic Prayer Tribe for the prophetic prayers. I want to testify to God’s goodness for giving my brother a job in Kenya. God bless you Rev. Sam Oye.


  • Dear Rev Sam and Mama Oye,

    I would like to testify of God’s doing in my family’s life. Last year April, i was put on sudden unpaid leave and up to now, i have not been called back. Being the sole breadwinner in my family and without prior financial arrangements, we were caught off guard. Taking care of ourselves (feeding, paying bills, transportation, hospital services) became a challenge. Something that we hadn’t experienced in a long time. We ended up borrowing to feed ourselves. Debts started pilling. We would borrow from Peter to pay Paul and then go back and borrow from Peter. We were more than 6,000 USD in debts. I was introduced to the PPH in October 2020 by a colleague and since then, myself, my mother and brother join the live sessions.

    On 23rd March 2021, i could not join the live PPH as my spirit was so so down. My mum had been sick for sometime and there was no money to take her to the doctor. There was nowhere we could borrow as we had debts everywhere. In the afternoon on the same day, i “forced” myself to watch the broadcast and in the middle of the prayer, my cousin called me as she had found out that my mum had been unwell. She immediately sent me money to take my mother to the hospital where she was treated and fully recovered.

    My Number 1 prayer request was for financial freedom where all the debts we have would be paid off and we would be a financial burden to nobody.

    On 6th April 2021 and before the PPH, money that had been deposited in my bank account on January 21st but put on hold by the bank for a reason that did not make any sense was released to me.

    On 15th April 2021 after the PPH, money that my company owed me was finally paid after me sending them email and not getting any response.

    I thank God for the PPH as God is working through these prayer sessions. As of today, (15th April 2021), 50% of our debts have been paid off (thanks to the 2 payments paid to me). Nobody in our household (myself, mother and brother) have stretched our hands to borrow this month. I thank God for fighting our battles as i dragged these matters to the prayer altar. I am believing God for supernatural financial provision where the remaining debts will be paid off, restoration of my Job and employment for my Brother in Jesus Name.

    Faith, Kenya

  • Testimony for PPH 21.04.2021 – Two jobs offers

    Today is the 21.04.2021 Good morning Rev Oye, Pastor Segun and Mummy Oye. Oti wole ooooo. Jesus has done it for me. After listening to 6 and 5 years of joblessness testimony, I knew I was next in line, I have been joblessness for 4 years and it felt like 40 years after countless employment rejection letters. I live in the UK so I even changed my African name at some point so that I can improve my chances of getting a job but yet still nothing happened for me. Then early this year my friend introduced me to this platform in January 2021 and I got hooked. I had lost my dignity amongst family and inlaws, because I can’t contribute financially to anything. I had so much debts that was embarrassing me and my family. Things were so bad we started to survive on credit cards to buy food to eat and pay household bills leading to more debts.

    Papa, I remember you declaring about 2 weeks ago that this is the very last time we would be going for interviews you said it’s coming to an end. I keyed into that prophetic declaration and believed. Long story caught short on 15 April 2021 just this last week I got a call and was made an offer for a new job after 4 years of joblessness. They are so keen that they want me to start in 2 weeks time. Papa like joke like joke, the most amazing part of this testimony is that whilst I was still composing this testimony for PPH this Tuesday 19 April 2021, I got another job offer, and this time the salary is 4 times more than the first one. Papa you told us to praise God over the weekend for 10 mins everyday and I did. See what the Lord has done for me oooo….Please make una help me Praise the Lord. I am filled with tears of joy that I am no more a spectator but now a testifier.

  • I want to testify to the glory of the Lord for a new Job. I got a job in a Microfinance bank last week. Have been job hunting for 4yrs now. No experience wat so ever. I applied for this job as a marketer with no experience and was shortlisted for an online test which I took and passed well. Then I was called on for an oral interview though I was scared and at the same time optimistic so I prayed about it. On the 1st of July was the interview so that morning I joined the morning prayer by pastor Sam though I joined PPHtribe since last year December. That morning Pastor Sam told us to say these words as we begin our day ( The Lord bless me, make me, enlarge me and multiply me) so I kept on saying those words till I got to my interview venue. I was called on for the interview and I was asked some questions pertaining marketing I won’t lie i didn’t know what to answer but I told the Holy spirit to direct my speech so after the interview the lady was like she is not sure am fit for the job and that if am successfully that will get in touch with me, I was pained as I left their office but at the same time I was thinking God. Friday I didn’t get any message from them, Saturday same thing. Lo and behold Monday I was called on that I got the job and that the HR likes me a lot that I should come for training and Job description by 11am with a good salary, I was so happy that I could not hold back my tears and Joy so I want to give all the Glory to God and for using Pastor Sam to bless us. May the God Lord keep Blessing u, ur family and every member in PPHtribe

  • Greetings Rev Sam,Mama Oye,Pastor Segu and the entire PPH family🙏
    Please allow me to testify I can’t keep this testimony to myself.I had a very private situation on Thursday I couldn’t share with anyone and the thing was going to cause me a disgrace and an embarrassment shouldn’t it have to be known…I didn’t know who to turn to cause I’ve been through alot already..lo and behold on Thursday prayer session I couldn’t join in the morning but I said I’ll pray at night and I watch it at night Rev Sam kept on praying that you will not be embarrassed you will not be disgrace and I don’t know what happened the fire of God was just touch there was such a hit on me and I couldn’t even look Rev Sam the tears were just rolling on my face uncontrollable …he didn’t even stop he said there’s someone you have a private matter and also spoke about indebted…

    Can I tell you Glory be to God that private matter went away and the debt was paid fully I don’t know how it happened as I’m writing I cnt stop crying ..cause Rev Sam said it will go away you won’t even understand how it happened and youll come and testify.
    Indeed it happened like that
    I don’t know what to say…this God of Rev Sam and PPH is toooooo much for me

    I can say loud and clear
    He did in my life He will sure do it again for you.

    Mveli..South Africa

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