P.J. – Abuja, Nigeria

Good morning PPH Tribe and Pastor Sam. I want to thank the Lord for giving me a new mobile phone, I know it sounds trivial but it’s actually not and it came in an unexpected way. I just want to give thanks to the Lord for what he has done. Secondly, I want to thank the Lord for what he has done in the life of my Mum. Previously in her office she has been overlooked for positions and things that she is well qualified for, but last week she was chosen as one of the people from her department for a big project. Lastly, I want to thank the Lord for my life because before I joined the PPH this morning I was feeling depressed but after it ended all signs of depression were gone. When Papa said it at the end of the PPH I immediately said it was me and decided to give my testimony. Thank you all for what you’re doing and Thank you Pastor Sam for what the Lord is using you to achieve in our lives. I also believe that my other prayer requests will be answered in Jesus Name. Amen.

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