L.A. – Nigeria

OUR EVER PRESENT HELP IN TIMES OF NEED!!! We are just ticking off our prayer requests!!

1. Good morning family, Pastor Sam and Mama! I just want to give God the glory for the good works He has done in my life and my husband’s. I had written IELTS twice and failed, but me and my husband brought the case to this altar. The last time I wrote it, I didn’t just pass, I passed excellently well. And this time I needed to pass this well because there was a time frame.

2. This good result aided my selection for our Canadian Permanent residency!

3. I quit my banking job just this month and I have already gotten at least 2 other better offers within the same time.

4. God provided money for my husband to clear the cars he bought for business, at this point there was no Naira to brag about! But God showed up. He always shows up and NEVER EVER let’s us be put to shame!


  • Dear Pastor Oye,

    God bless you and the PPH family for your selfless labour of love. I have applied for a few job openings so I initially wanted to hold back from sharing this testimony until I got feedback on the other pending job applications especially because they are in the field/expertise I am very keen on getting back into but this first open door has reminded me that God is on my case!!!!!!!!!

    I have been in need for a change and shift in my career and these are evident signs that He is working His way. I am still praying on other openings. I surrender to God as only His perfect will be done on where exactly He needs to be in coming weeks in Jesus mighty name!

    Thank you Lord for never leaving me nor forsaking me.

  • God has been good to me and my family and I want to give a big thank you for this platform form. My life has never been the same ever since I joined the platform. With our God all things are possible.

  • With Our God All Things Are Possible, I want to thank God for his great wonders, and grace upon my life in these past few months. I joined the PPH tribe family last year but wasn’t following up with the morning prayers regularly, but things got very bad for me here in South Africa, I had to find my roots back to God and I joined back the PPH tribe morning prayers. I want to thank God for it’s been his great wonders after wonders in my life, financial breakthroughs after financial breakthroughs. I want to thank our God sent father Pastor Sam One, Our Mother Mommy Mary One And the entire pastors in the PPH tribe prayer line. I thank you all so much again for restoring me into my God’s destined life. I have testified twice on whstapp groups too. I want to say with our record breaking God all things are possible amen.

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